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M.Pratt (Cross Keys 'B') Won 12 Lost 9

Week Game Home Player 8-Ball Home Team AwayPlayer 8-Ball Away Team
1 7 J.Hall Wellington L W M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
2 7 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' L W J.Gore Royal Oak (Pwich)
3 7 S.Veevers Royal Oak 'A' L W M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
4 6 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' L W J.McHugh Peel Hotel 'B'
5 6 A.Strange 8 Roach Hotel 'B' W L M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
6 7 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' L W C.Armistead Hamers Arms
8 7 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' W L R.Hynes Dobbies
9 6 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' W L G.Roles Savanna 'B'
10 6 K.Larkey The Lamb L W M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
11 7 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' L W S.Whittle New Inn 'B'
12 6 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' L W D.Margrave Wellington
13 6 P.Whitworth Royal Oak (Pwich) W L M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
14 6 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' L W S.Veevers Royal Oak 'A'
15 7 J.Gratton Peel Hotel 'B' L W M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
16 7 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' W L B.Crawford Roach Hotel 'B'
17 6 S.McDermott Hamers Arms L W M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
18 7 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' W L A.Sweeney Roach Hotel 'A'
19 7 S.Williams Dobbies L W M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
20 6 W.Beamer Savanna 'B' W L M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'
21 4 M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B' W L M.Williams The Lamb
22 7 M.Bullough New Inn 'B' L W M.Pratt Cross Keys 'B'

Cross Keys 'B' (Division 1)

Player Played Won Lost Team Rank Div. Rank
P.Deceth 22 16 6 1 4
M.Pratt 21 12 9 2 8
K.Froggatt 22 12 10 2 8
M.Derbyshire 20 9 11 3 11
G.Keown 18 7 11 4 13
W.Briggs 12 6 6 5 14
D.Bentley 16 6 10 5 14
C.Sansam 14 5 9 6 15
L.Brady 7 2 5 7 18
D.Newton 1 0 1 8 20